// =================================================================== // Author: Matt Kruse <matt@mattkruse.com> // WWW: http://www.mattkruse.com/ // // NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or // private, without any further permission from the author. You may // remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is // appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept. // // You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its // use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web // site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You // may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or // include it in your javascript libraries for download. // If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them // to the URL instead. // Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy // the files to your server and use them there. Thank you. // =================================================================== /* SOURCE FILE: AnchorPosition.js */ /* AnchorPosition.js Author: Matt Kruse Last modified: 10/11/02 DESCRIPTION: These functions find the position of an <A> tag in a document, so other elements can be positioned relative to it. COMPATABILITY: Netscape 4.x,6.x,Mozilla, IE 5.x,6.x on Windows. Some small positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the Macintosh platform. FUNCTIONS: getAnchorPosition(anchorname) Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates of the upper-left corner of the anchor. Position is relative to the PAGE. getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname) Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates of the upper-left corner of the anchor, relative to the WHOLE SCREEN. NOTES: 1) For popping up separate browser windows, use getAnchorWindowPosition. Otherwise, use getAnchorPosition 2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the same. For example: <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A> 3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space. */ // getAnchorPosition(anchorname) // This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates // of the named anchor, relative to the page. function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) { // This function will return an Object with x and y properties var useWindow=false; var coordinates=new Object(); var x=0,y=0; // Browser capability sniffing var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false; if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; } else if (document.all) { use_css=true; } else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; } // Logic to find position if (use_gebi && document.all) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]); } else if (use_gebi) { var o=document.getElementById(anchorname); x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(o); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(o); } else if (use_css) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]); } else if (use_layers) { var found=0; for (var i=0; i<document.anchors.length; i++) { if (document.anchors[i].name==anchorname) { found=1; break; } } if (found==0) { coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates; } x=document.anchors[i].x; y=document.anchors[i].y; } else { coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates; } coordinates.x=x; coordinates.y=y; return coordinates; } // getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname) // This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates // of the named anchor, relative to the window function getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname) { var coordinates=getAnchorPosition(anchorname); var x=0; var y=0; if (document.getElementById) { if (isNaN(window.screenX)) { x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft; y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop; } else { x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset; y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset; } } else if (document.all) { x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft; y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop; } else if (document.layers) { x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset; y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset; } coordinates.x=x; coordinates.y=y; return coordinates; } // Functions for IE to get position of an object function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft (el) { var ol=el.offsetLeft; while ((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ol += el.offsetLeft; } return ol; } function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetLeft (el) { return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(el)-document.body.scrollLeft; } function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop (el) { var ot=el.offsetTop; while((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ot += el.offsetTop; } return ot; } function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetTop (el) { return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(el)-document.body.scrollTop; } /* SOURCE FILE: date.js */ // HISTORY // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // May 17, 2003: Fixed bug in parseDate() for dates <1970 // March 11, 2003: Added parseDate() function // March 11, 2003: Added "NNN" formatting option. Doesn't match up // perfectly with SimpleDateFormat formats, but // backwards-compatability was required. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // These functions use the same 'format' strings as the // java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, with minor exceptions. // The format string consists of the following abbreviations: // // Field | Full Form | Short Form // -------------+--------------------+----------------------- // Year | yyyy (4 digits) | yy (2 digits), y (2 or 4 digits) // Month | MMM (name or abbr.)| MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits) // | NNN (abbr.) | // Day of Month | dd (2 digits) | d (1 or 2 digits) // Day of Week | EE (name) | E (abbr) // Hour (1-12) | hh (2 digits) | h (1 or 2 digits) // Hour (0-23) | HH (2 digits) | H (1 or 2 digits) // Hour (0-11) | KK (2 digits) | K (1 or 2 digits) // Hour (1-24) | kk (2 digits) | k (1 or 2 digits) // Minute | mm (2 digits) | m (1 or 2 digits) // Second | ss (2 digits) | s (1 or 2 digits) // AM/PM | a | // // NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MM and mm! Month=MM, not mm! // Examples: // "MMM d, y" matches: January 01, 2000 // Dec 1, 1900 // Nov 20, 00 // "M/d/yy" matches: 01/20/00 // 9/2/00 // "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ssa" matches: "January 01, 2000 12:30:45AM" // ------------------------------------------------------------------ var MONTH_NAMES=new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); var DAY_NAMES=new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'); function LZ(x) { return(x<0||x>9?"":"0")+x } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // isDate ( date_string, format_string ) // Returns true if date string matches format of format string and // is a valid date. Else returns false. // It is recommended that you trim whitespace around the value before // passing it to this function, as whitespace is NOT ignored! // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function isDate(val,format) { var date=getDateFromFormat(val,format); if (date==0) { return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // compareDates(date1,date1format,date2,date2format) // Compare two date strings to see which is greater. // Returns: // 1 if date1 is greater than date2 // 0 if date2 is greater than date1 of if they are the same // -1 if either of the dates is in an invalid format // ------------------------------------------------------------------- function compareDates(date1,dateformat1,date2,dateformat2) { var d1=getDateFromFormat(date1,dateformat1); var d2=getDateFromFormat(date2,dateformat2); if (d1==0 || d2==0) { return -1; } else if (d1 > d2) { return 1; } return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // formatDate (date_object, format) // Returns a date in the output format specified. // The format string uses the same abbreviations as in getDateFromFormat() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function formatDate(date,format) { format=format+""; var result=""; var i_format=0; var c=""; var token=""; var y=date.getYear()+""; var M=date.getMonth()+1; var d=date.getDate(); var E=date.getDay(); var H=date.getHours(); var m=date.getMinutes(); var s=date.getSeconds(); var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k; // Convert real date parts into formatted versions var value=new Object(); if (y.length < 4) { y=""+(y-0+1900); } value["y"]=""+y; value["yyyy"]=y; value["yy"]=y.substring(2,4); value["M"]=M; value["MM"]=LZ(M); value["MMM"]=MONTH_NAMES[M-1]; value["NNN"]=MONTH_NAMES[M+11]; value["d"]=d; value["dd"]=LZ(d); value["E"]=DAY_NAMES[E+7]; value["EE"]=DAY_NAMES[E]; value["H"]=H; value["HH"]=LZ(H); if (H==0){ value["h"]=12; } else if (H>12){ value["h"]=H-12; } else { value["h"]=H; } value["hh"]=LZ(value["h"]); if (H>11){ value["K"]=H-12; } else { value["K"]=H; } value["k"]=H+1; value["KK"]=LZ(value["K"]); value["kk"]=LZ(value["k"]); if (H > 11) { value["a"]="PM"; } else { value["a"]="AM"; } value["m"]=m; value["mm"]=LZ(m); value["s"]=s; value["ss"]=LZ(s); while (i_format < format.length) { c=format.charAt(i_format); token=""; while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) { token += format.charAt(i_format++); } if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; } else { result=result + token; } } return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Utility functions for parsing in getDateFromFormat() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function _isInteger(val) { var digits="1234567890"; for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) { if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; } } return true; } function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) { for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) { var token=str.substring(i,i+x); if (token.length < minlength) { return null; } if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; } } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // getDateFromFormat( date_string , format_string ) // // This function takes a date string and a format string. It matches // If the date string matches the format string, it returns the // getTime() of the date. If it does not match, it returns 0. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function getDateFromFormat(val,format) { val=val+""; format=format+""; var i_val=0; var i_format=0; var c=""; var token=""; var token2=""; var x,y; var now=new Date(); var year=now.getYear(); var month=now.getMonth()+1; var date=1; var hh=now.getHours(); var mm=now.getMinutes(); var ss=now.getSeconds(); var ampm=""; while (i_format < format.length) { // Get next token from format string c=format.charAt(i_format); token=""; while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) { token += format.charAt(i_format++); } // Extract contents of value based on format token if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") { if (token=="yyyy") { x=4; y=4; } if (token=="yy") { x=2; y=2; } if (token=="y") { x=2; y=4; } year=_getInt(val,i_val,x,y); if (year==null) { return 0; } i_val += year.length; if (year.length==2) { if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); } else { year=2000+(year-0); } } } else if (token=="MMM"||token=="NNN"){ month=0; for (var i=0; i<MONTH_NAMES.length; i++) { var month_name=MONTH_NAMES[i]; if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+month_name.length).toLowerCase()==month_name.toLowerCase()) { if (token=="MMM"||(token=="NNN"&&i>11)) { month=i+1; if (month>12) { month -= 12; } i_val += month_name.length; break; } } } if ((month < 1)||(month>12)){ return 0; } } else if (token=="EE"||token=="E"){ for (var i=0; i<DAY_NAMES.length; i++) { var day_name=DAY_NAMES[i]; if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+day_name.length).toLowerCase()==day_name.toLowerCase()) { i_val += day_name.length; break; } } } else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") { month=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){ return 0; } i_val+=month.length; } else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") { date=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){ return 0; } i_val+=date.length; } else if (token=="hh"||token=="h") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>12)){ return 0; } i_val+=hh.length; } else if (token=="HH"||token=="H") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>23)){ return 0; } i_val+=hh.length; } else if (token=="KK"||token=="K") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>11)){ return 0; } i_val+=hh.length; } else if (token=="kk"||token=="k") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>24)){ return 0; } i_val+=hh.length; hh--; } else if (token=="mm"||token=="m") { mm=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(mm==null||(mm<0)||(mm>59)){ return 0; } i_val+=mm.length; } else if (token=="ss"||token=="s") { ss=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(ss==null||(ss<0)||(ss>59)){ return 0; } i_val+=ss.length; } else if (token=="a") { if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="am") { ampm="AM"; } else if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="pm") { ampm="PM"; } else { return 0; } i_val+=2; } else { if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) { return 0; } else { i_val+=token.length; } } } // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; } // Is date valid for month? if (month==2) { // Check for leap year if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year if (date > 29){ return 0; } } else { if (date > 28) { return 0; } } } if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) { if (date > 30) { return 0; } } // Correct hours value if (hh<12 && ampm=="PM") { hh=hh-0+12; } else if (hh>11 && ampm=="AM") { hh-=12; } var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss); return newdate.getTime(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // parseDate( date_string [, prefer_euro_format] ) // // This function takes a date string and tries to match it to a // number of possible date formats to get the value. It will try to // match against the following international formats, in this order: // y-M-d MMM d, y MMM d,y y-MMM-d d-MMM-y MMM d // M/d/y M-d-y M.d.y MMM-d M/d M-d // d/M/y d-M-y d.M.y d-MMM d/M d-M // A second argument may be passed to instruct the method to search // for formats like d/M/y (european format) before M/d/y (American). // Returns a Date object or null if no patterns match. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function parseDate(val) { var preferEuro=(arguments.length==2)?arguments[1]:false; generalFormats=new Array('y-M-d','MMM d, y','MMM d,y','y-MMM-d','d-MMM-y','MMM d'); monthFirst=new Array('M/d/y','M-d-y','M.d.y','MMM-d','M/d','M-d'); dateFirst =new Array('d/M/y','d-M-y','d.M.y','d-MMM','d/M','d-M'); var checkList=new Array('generalFormats',preferEuro?'dateFirst':'monthFirst',preferEuro?'monthFirst':'dateFirst'); var d=null; for (var i=0; i<checkList.length; i++) { var l=window[checkList[i]]; for (var j=0; j<l.length; j++) { d=getDateFromFormat(val,l[j]); if (d!=0) { return new Date(d); } } } return null; } /* SOURCE FILE: PopupWindow.js */ /* PopupWindow.js Author: Matt Kruse Last modified: 02/16/04 DESCRIPTION: This object allows you to easily and quickly popup a window in a certain place. The window can either be a DIV or a separate browser window. COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the Macintosh platform. Due to bugs in Netscape 4.x, populating the popup window with <STYLE> tags may cause errors. USAGE: // Create an object for a WINDOW popup var win = new PopupWindow(); // Create an object for a DIV window using the DIV named 'mydiv' var win = new PopupWindow('mydiv'); // Set the window to automatically hide itself when the user clicks // anywhere else on the page except the popup win.autoHide(); // Show the window relative to the anchor name passed in win.showPopup(anchorname); // Hide the popup win.hidePopup(); // Set the size of the popup window (only applies to WINDOW popups win.setSize(width,height); // Populate the contents of the popup window that will be shown. If you // change the contents while it is displayed, you will need to refresh() win.populate(string); // set the URL of the window, rather than populating its contents // manually win.setUrl("http://www.site.com/"); // Refresh the contents of the popup win.refresh(); // Specify how many pixels to the right of the anchor the popup will appear win.offsetX = 50; // Specify how many pixels below the anchor the popup will appear win.offsetY = 100; NOTES: 1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js 2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the same. For example: <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A> 3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space. 4) When a PopupWindow object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a PopupWindow object or the autoHide() will not work correctly. */ // Set the position of the popup window based on the anchor function PopupWindow_getXYPosition(anchorname) { var coordinates; if (this.type == "WINDOW") { coordinates = getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname); } else { coordinates = getAnchorPosition(anchorname); } this.x = coordinates.x; this.y = coordinates.y; } // Set width/height of DIV/popup window function PopupWindow_setSize(width,height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } // Fill the window with contents function PopupWindow_populate(contents) { this.contents = contents; this.populated = false; } // Set the URL to go to function PopupWindow_setUrl(url) { this.url = url; } // Set the window popup properties function PopupWindow_setWindowProperties(props) { this.windowProperties = props; } // Refresh the displayed contents of the popup function PopupWindow_refresh() { if (this.divName != null) { // refresh the DIV object if (this.use_gebi) { document.getElementById(this.divName).innerHTML = this.contents; } else if (this.use_css) { document.all[this.divName].innerHTML = this.contents; } else if (this.use_layers) { var d = document.layers[this.divName]; d.document.open(); d.document.writeln(this.contents); d.document.close(); } } else { if (this.popupWindow != null && !this.popupWindow.closed) { if (this.url!="") { this.popupWindow.location.href=this.url; } else { this.popupWindow.document.open(); this.popupWindow.document.writeln(this.contents); this.popupWindow.document.close(); } this.popupWindow.focus(); } } } // Position and show the popup, relative to an anchor object function PopupWindow_showPopup(anchorname) { this.getXYPosition(anchorname); this.x += this.offsetX; this.y += this.offsetY; if (!this.populated && (this.contents != "")) { this.populated = true; this.refresh(); } if (this.divName != null) { // Show the DIV object if (this.use_gebi) { document.getElementById(this.divName).style.left = this.x + "px"; document.getElementById(this.divName).style.top = this.y + "px"; document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "visible"; } else if (this.use_css) { document.all[this.divName].style.left = this.x; document.all[this.divName].style.top = this.y; document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "visible"; } else if (this.use_layers) { document.layers[this.divName].left = this.x; document.layers[this.divName].top = this.y; document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "visible"; } } else { if (this.popupWindow == null || this.popupWindow.closed) { // If the popup window will go off-screen, move it so it doesn't if (this.x<0) { this.x=0; } if (this.y<0) { this.y=0; } if (screen && screen.availHeight) { if ((this.y + this.height) > screen.availHeight) { this.y = screen.availHeight - this.height; } } if (screen && screen.availWidth) { if ((this.x + this.width) > screen.availWidth) { this.x = screen.availWidth - this.width; } } var avoidAboutBlank = window.opera || ( document.layers && !navigator.mimeTypes['*'] ) || navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled ); this.popupWindow = window.open(avoidAboutBlank?"":"about:blank","window_"+anchorname,this.windowProperties+",width="+this.width+",height="+this.height+",screenX="+this.x+",left="+this.x+",screenY="+this.y+",top="+this.y+""); } this.refresh(); } } // Hide the popup function PopupWindow_hidePopup() { if (this.divName != null) { if (this.use_gebi) { document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (this.use_css) { document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (this.use_layers) { document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "hidden"; } } else { if (this.popupWindow && !this.popupWindow.closed) { this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow = null; } } } // Pass an event and return whether or not it was the popup DIV that was clicked function PopupWindow_isClicked(e) { if (this.divName != null) { if (this.use_layers) { var clickX = e.pageX; var clickY = e.pageY; var t = document.layers[this.divName]; if ((clickX > t.left) && (clickX < t.left+t.clip.width) && (clickY > t.top) && (clickY < t.top+t.clip.height)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (document.all) { // Need to hard-code this to trap IE for error-handling var t = window.event.srcElement; if(t) { while (t.parentElement != null) { if (t.id==this.divName) { return true; } t = t.parentElement; } } return false; } else if (this.use_gebi && e) { var t = e.originalTarget; if(t) { while (t.parentNode != null) { if (t.id==this.divName) { return true; } t = t.parentNode; } } return false; } return false; } return false; } // Check an onMouseDown event to see if we should hide function PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked(e) { if (this.autoHideEnabled && !this.isClicked(e)) { this.hidePopup(); } } // Call this to make the DIV disable automatically when mouse is clicked outside it function PopupWindow_autoHide() { this.autoHideEnabled = true; } // This global function checks all PopupWindow objects onmouseup to see if they should be hidden function PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows(e) { for (var i=0; i<popupWindowObjects.length; i++) { if (popupWindowObjects[i] != null) { var p = popupWindowObjects[i]; p.hideIfNotClicked(e); } } } // Run this immediately to attach the event listener function PopupWindow_attachListener() { if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); } window.popupWindowOldEventListener = document.onmouseup; if (window.popupWindowOldEventListener != null) { document.onmouseup = new Function("window.popupWindowOldEventListener(); PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows();"); } else { document.onmouseup = PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows; } } // CONSTRUCTOR for the PopupWindow object // Pass it a DIV name to use a DHTML popup, otherwise will default to window popup function PopupWindow() { if (!window.popupWindowIndex) { window.popupWindowIndex = 0; } if (!window.popupWindowObjects) { window.popupWindowObjects = new Array(); } if (!window.listenerAttached) { window.listenerAttached = true; PopupWindow_attachListener(); } this.index = popupWindowIndex++; popupWindowObjects[this.index] = this; this.divName = null; this.popupWindow = null; this.width=0; this.height=0; this.populated = false; this.visible = false; this.autoHideEnabled = false; this.contents = ""; this.url=""; this.windowProperties="toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizable,alwaysRaised,dependent,titlebar=no"; if (arguments.length>0) { this.type="DIV"; this.divName = arguments[0]; } else { this.type="WINDOW"; } this.use_gebi = false; this.use_css = false; this.use_layers = false; if (document.getElementById) { this.use_gebi = true; } else if (document.all) { this.use_css = true; } else if (document.layers) { this.use_layers = true; } else { this.type = "WINDOW"; } this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; // Method mappings this.getXYPosition = PopupWindow_getXYPosition; this.populate = PopupWindow_populate; this.setUrl = PopupWindow_setUrl; this.setWindowProperties = PopupWindow_setWindowProperties; this.refresh = PopupWindow_refresh; this.showPopup = PopupWindow_showPopup; this.hidePopup = PopupWindow_hidePopup; this.setSize = PopupWindow_setSize; this.isClicked = PopupWindow_isClicked; this.autoHide = PopupWindow_autoHide; this.hideIfNotClicked = PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked; } /* SOURCE FILE: CalendarPopup.js */ // HISTORY // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Feb 7, 2005: Fixed a CSS styles to use px unit // March 29, 2004: Added check in select() method for the form field // being disabled. If it is, just return and don't do anything. // March 24, 2004: Fixed bug - when month name and abbreviations were // changed, date format still used original values. // January 26, 2004: Added support for drop-down month and year // navigation (Thanks to Chris Reid for the idea) // September 22, 2003: Fixed a minor problem in YEAR calendar with // CSS prefix. // August 19, 2003: Renamed the function to get styles, and made it // work correctly without an object reference // August 18, 2003: Changed showYearNavigation and // showYearNavigationInput to optionally take an argument of // true or false // July 31, 2003: Added text input option for year navigation. // Added a per-calendar CSS prefix option to optionally use // different styles for different calendars. // July 29, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be clickable // even though today falls in a disabled date range. // Changed formatting to use pure CSS, allowing greater control // over look-and-feel options. // June 11, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be unselectable // under certain cases when some days of week are disabled // March 14, 2003: Added ability to disable individual dates or date // ranges, display as light gray and strike-through // March 14, 2003: Removed dependency on graypixel.gif and instead /// use table border coloring // March 12, 2003: Modified showCalendar() function to allow optional // start-date parameter // March 11, 2003: Modified select() function to allow optional // start-date parameter /* DESCRIPTION: This object implements a popup calendar to allow the user to select a date, month, quarter, or year. COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the Macintosh platform. The calendar can be modified to work for any location in the world by changing which weekday is displayed as the first column, changing the month names, and changing the column headers for each day. USAGE: // Create a new CalendarPopup object of type WINDOW var cal = new CalendarPopup(); // Create a new CalendarPopup object of type DIV using the DIV named 'mydiv' var cal = new CalendarPopup('mydiv'); // Easy method to link the popup calendar with an input box. cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat); // Same method, but passing a default date other than the field's current value cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat, '01/02/2000'); // This is an example call to the popup calendar from a link to populate an // input box. Note that to use this, date.js must also be included!! <A HREF="#" onClick="cal.select(document.forms[0].date,'anchorname','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;">Select</A> // Set the type of date select to be used. By default it is 'date'. cal.setDisplayType(type); // When a date, month, quarter, or year is clicked, a function is called and // passed the details. You must write this function, and tell the calendar // popup what the function name is. // Function to be called for 'date' select receives y, m, d cal.setReturnFunction(functionname); // Function to be called for 'month' select receives y, m cal.setReturnMonthFunction(functionname); // Function to be called for 'quarter' select receives y, q cal.setReturnQuarterFunction(functionname); // Function to be called for 'year' select receives y cal.setReturnYearFunction(functionname); // Show the calendar relative to a given anchor cal.showCalendar(anchorname); // Hide the calendar. The calendar is set to autoHide automatically cal.hideCalendar(); // Set the month names to be used. Default are English month names cal.setMonthNames("January","February","March",...); // Set the month abbreviations to be used. Default are English month abbreviations cal.setMonthAbbreviations("Jan","Feb","Mar",...); // Show navigation for changing by the year, not just one month at a time cal.showYearNavigation(); // Show month and year dropdowns, for quicker selection of month of dates cal.showNavigationDropdowns(); // Set the text to be used above each day column. The days start with // sunday regardless of the value of WeekStartDay cal.setDayHeaders("S","M","T",...); // Set the day for the first column in the calendar grid. By default this // is Sunday (0) but it may be changed to fit the conventions of other // countries. cal.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday // Set the weekdays which should be disabled in the 'date' select popup. You can // then allow someone to only select week end dates, or Tuedays, for example cal.setDisabledWeekDays(0,1); // To disable selecting the 1st or 2nd days of the week // Selectively disable individual days or date ranges. Disabled days will not // be clickable, and show as strike-through text on current browsers. // Date format is any format recognized by parseDate() in date.js // Pass a single date to disable: cal.addDisabledDates("2003-01-01"); // Pass null as the first parameter to mean "anything up to and including" the // passed date: cal.addDisabledDates(null, "01/02/03"); // Pass null as the second parameter to mean "including the passed date and // anything after it: cal.addDisabledDates("Jan 01, 2003", null); // Pass two dates to disable all dates inbetween and including the two cal.addDisabledDates("January 01, 2003", "Dec 31, 2003"); // When the 'year' select is displayed, set the number of years back from the // current year to start listing years. Default is 2. // This is also used for year drop-down, to decide how many years +/- to display cal.setYearSelectStartOffset(2); // Text for the word "Today" appearing on the calendar cal.setTodayText("Today"); // The calendar uses CSS classes for formatting. If you want your calendar to // have unique styles, you can set the prefix that will be added to all the // classes in the output. // For example, normal output may have this: // <SPAN CLASS="cpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN> // But if you set the prefix like this: cal.setCssPrefix("Test"); // The output will then look like: // <SPAN CLASS="TestcpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN> // And you can define that style somewhere in your page. // When using Year navigation, you can make the year be an input box, so // the user can manually change it and jump to any year cal.showYearNavigationInput(); // Set the calendar offset to be different than the default. By default it // will appear just below and to the right of the anchorname. So if you have // a text box where the date will go and and anchor immediately after the // text box, the calendar will display immediately under the text box. cal.offsetX = 20; cal.offsetY = 20; NOTES: 1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js and PopupWindow.js 2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the same. For example: <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A> 3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space. 4) When a CalendarPopup object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a CalendarPopup object or the autoHide() will not work correctly. 5) The calendar popup display uses style sheets to make it look nice. */ // Quick fix for FF3 function CP_stop(e) { if (e && e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } } // CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object function CalendarPopup() { var c; if (arguments.length>0) { c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]); } else { c = new PopupWindow(); c.setSize(150,175); } c.offsetX = -152; c.offsetY = 25; c.autoHide(); // Calendar-specific properties c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S"); c.returnFunction = "CP_tmpReturnFunction"; c.returnMonthFunction = "CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction"; c.returnQuarterFunction = "CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction"; c.returnYearFunction = "CP_tmpReturnYearFunction"; c.weekStartDay = 0; c.isShowYearNavigation = false; c.displayType = "date"; c.disabledWeekDays = new Object(); c.disabledDatesExpression = ""; c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2; c.currentDate = null; c.todayText="Today"; c.cssPrefix=""; c.isShowNavigationDropdowns=false; c.isShowYearNavigationInput=false; window.CP_calendarObject = null; window.CP_targetInput = null; window.CP_dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; // Method mappings c.copyMonthNamesToWindow = CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow; c.setReturnFunction = CP_setReturnFunction; c.setReturnMonthFunction = CP_setReturnMonthFunction; c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CP_setReturnQuarterFunction; c.setReturnYearFunction = CP_setReturnYearFunction; c.setMonthNames = CP_setMonthNames; c.setMonthAbbreviations = CP_setMonthAbbreviations; c.setDayHeaders = CP_setDayHeaders; c.setWeekStartDay = CP_setWeekStartDay; c.setDisplayType = CP_setDisplayType; c.setDisabledWeekDays = CP_setDisabledWeekDays; c.addDisabledDates = CP_addDisabledDates; c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CP_setYearSelectStartOffset; c.setTodayText = CP_setTodayText; c.showYearNavigation = CP_showYearNavigation; c.showCalendar = CP_showCalendar; c.hideCalendar = CP_hideCalendar; c.getStyles = getCalendarStyles; c.refreshCalendar = CP_refreshCalendar; c.getCalendar = CP_getCalendar; c.select = CP_select; c.setCssPrefix = CP_setCssPrefix; c.showNavigationDropdowns = CP_showNavigationDropdowns; c.showYearNavigationInput = CP_showYearNavigationInput; c.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); // Return the object return c; } function CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow() { // Copy these values over to the date.js if (typeof(window.MONTH_NAMES)!="undefined" && window.MONTH_NAMES!=null) { window.MONTH_NAMES = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<this.monthNames.length; i++) { window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthNames[i]; } for (var i=0; i<this.monthAbbreviations.length; i++) { window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthAbbreviations[i]; } } } // Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown function CP_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) { if (window.CP_targetInput!=null) { var dt = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0); if (window.CP_calendarObject!=null) { window.CP_calendarObject.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); } window.CP_targetInput.value = formatDate(dt,window.CP_dateFormat); } else { alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!'); } } function CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) { alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m); } function CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) { alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q); } function CP_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) { alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y); } // Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item function CP_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; } function CP_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; } function CP_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; } function CP_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; } // Over-ride the built-in month names function CP_setMonthNames() { for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthNames[i] = arguments[i]; } this.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); } // Over-ride the built-in month abbreviations function CP_setMonthAbbreviations() { for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthAbbreviations[i] = arguments[i]; } this.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); } // Over-ride the built-in column headers for each day function CP_setDayHeaders() { for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.dayHeaders[i] = arguments[i]; } } // Set the day of the week (0-7) that the calendar display starts on // This is for countries other than the US whose calendar displays start on Monday(1), for example function CP_setWeekStartDay(day) { this.weekStartDay = day; } // Show next/last year navigation links function CP_showYearNavigation() { this.isShowYearNavigation = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; } // Which type of calendar to display function CP_setDisplayType(type) { if (type!="date"&&type!="week-end"&&type!="month"&&type!="quarter"&&type!="year") { alert("Invalid display type! Must be one of: date,week-end,month,quarter,year"); return false; } this.displayType=type; } // How many years back to start by default for year display function CP_setYearSelectStartOffset(num) { this.yearSelectStartOffset=num; } // Set which weekdays should not be clickable function CP_setDisabledWeekDays() { this.disabledWeekDays = new Object(); for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.disabledWeekDays[arguments[i]] = true; } } // Disable individual dates or ranges // Builds an internal logical test which is run via eval() for efficiency function CP_addDisabledDates(start, end) { if (arguments.length==1) { end=start; } if (start==null && end==null) { return; } if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { this.disabledDatesExpression+= "||"; } if (start!=null) { start = parseDate(start); start=""+start.getFullYear()+LZ(start.getMonth()+1)+LZ(start.getDate()); } if (end!=null) { end=parseDate(end); end=""+end.getFullYear()+LZ(end.getMonth()+1)+LZ(end.getDate()); } if (start==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds<="+end+")"; } else if (end ==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+")"; } else { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+"&&ds<="+end+")"; } } // Set the text to use for the "Today" link function CP_setTodayText(text) { this.todayText = text; } // Set the prefix to be added to all CSS classes when writing output function CP_setCssPrefix(val) { this.cssPrefix = val; } // Show the navigation as an dropdowns that can be manually changed function CP_showNavigationDropdowns() { this.isShowNavigationDropdowns = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; } // Show the year navigation as an input box that can be manually changed function CP_showYearNavigationInput() { this.isShowYearNavigationInput = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; } // Hide a calendar object function CP_hideCalendar() { if (arguments.length > 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); } else { this.hidePopup(); } } // Refresh the contents of the calendar display function CP_refreshCalendar(index) { var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index]; if (arguments.length>1) { calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5])); } else { calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar()); } calObject.refresh(); } // Populate the calendar and display it function CP_showCalendar(anchorname) { if (arguments.length>1) { if (arguments[1]==null||arguments[1]=="") { this.currentDate=new Date(); } else { this.currentDate=new Date(parseDate(arguments[1])); } } this.populate(this.getCalendar()); this.showPopup(anchorname); } // Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box function CP_select(inputobj, linkname, format) { var selectedDate=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:null; if (!window.getDateFromFormat) { alert("calendar.select: To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting"); return; } if (this.displayType!="date"&&this.displayType!="week-end") { alert("calendar.select: This function can only be used with displayType 'date' or 'week-end'"); return; } if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") { alert("calendar.select: Input object passed is not a valid form input object"); window.CP_targetInput=null; return; } if (inputobj.disabled) { return; } // Can't use calendar input on disabled form input! window.CP_targetInput = inputobj; window.CP_calendarObject = this; this.currentDate=null; var time=0; if (selectedDate!=null) { time = getDateFromFormat(selectedDate,format) } else if (inputobj.value!="") { time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format); } if (selectedDate!=null || inputobj.value!="") { if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; } else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); } } window.CP_dateFormat = format; this.showCalendar(linkname); } // Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly function getCalendarStyles() { var result = ""; var p = ""; if (this!=null && typeof(this.cssPrefix)!="undefined" && this.cssPrefix!=null && this.cssPrefix!="") { p=this.cssPrefix; } result += "<STYLE>\n"; result += "."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation { background-color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader, ."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpCurrentDate,."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled,."+p+"cpTodayText,."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled,."+p+"cpText { font-family:arial; font-size:12px; }\n"; result += "TD."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader { text-align:right; border:solid thin #C0C0C0;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate, ."+p+"cpCurrentDate { text-align:right; text-decoration:none; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; text-align:right; text-decoration:line-through; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, .cpCurrentDate { color:#000000; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate { color:#808080; }\n"; result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDate { color:white; background-color: #C0C0C0; border-width:1px; border:solid thin #800000; }\n"; result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { border-width:1px; border:solid thin #FFAAAA; }\n"; result += "TD."+p+"cpTodayText, TD."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { border:solid thin #C0C0C0; border-width:1px 0px 0px 0px;}\n"; result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText, SPAN."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { height:20px; }\n"; result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText { color:black; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; }\n"; result += "."+p+"cpBorder { border:solid thin #808080; }\n"; result += "</STYLE>\n"; return result; } // Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed function CP_getCalendar() { var now = new Date(); // Reference to window if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; } else { var windowref = ""; } var result = ""; // If POPUP, write entire HTML document if (this.type == "WINDOW") { result += "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Calendar</TITLE>"+this.getStyles()+"</HEAD><BODY MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 TOPMARGIN=0 RIGHTMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0>\n"; result += '<CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 BORDERWIDTH=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0>\n'; } else { result += '<TABLE CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpBorder" WIDTH=144 BORDER=1 BORDERWIDTH=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>\n'; result += '<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER>\n'; result += '<CENTER>\n'; } // Code for DATE display (default) // ------------------------------- if (this.displayType=="date" || this.displayType=="week-end") { if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; } if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; } else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; } if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]>0 && arguments[1]-0==arguments[1]) { var year = arguments[1]; } else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); } var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) { daysinmonth[2] = 29; } var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1); var display_year = year; var display_month = month; var display_date = 1; var weekday= current_month.getDay(); var offset = 0; offset = (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) ? weekday-this.weekStartDay : 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday ; if (offset > 0) { display_month--; if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; } display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1; } var next_month = month+1; var next_month_year = year; if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; } var last_month = month-1; var last_month_year = year; if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; } var date_class; if (this.type!="WINDOW") { result += "<TABLE WIDTH=144 BORDER=0 BORDERWIDTH=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0>"; } result += '<TR>\n'; var refresh = windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar'; var refreshLink = 'javascript:' + refresh; if (this.isShowNavigationDropdowns) { result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="78" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" name="cpMonth" onmouseup="CP_stop(event)" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0,'+(year-0)+');">'; for( var monthCounter=1; monthCounter<=12; monthCounter++ ) { var selected = (monthCounter==month) ? 'SELECTED' : ''; result += '<option value="'+monthCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+this.monthNames[monthCounter-1]+'</option>'; } result += '</select></TD>'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"> </TD>'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="56" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" name="cpYear" onmouseup="CP_stop(event)" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0);">'; for( var yearCounter=year-this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter<=year+this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter++ ) { var selected = (yearCounter==year) ? 'SELECTED' : ''; result += '<option value="'+yearCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+yearCounter+'</option>'; } result += '</select></TD>'; } else { if (this.isShowYearNavigation) { result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');"><</A></TD>'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="58"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+'</SPAN></TD>'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">></A></TD>'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"> </TD>'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year-1)+');"><</A></TD>'; if (this.isShowYearNavigationInput) { result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><INPUT NAME="cpYear" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="'+year+'" onBlur="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.value-0);"></TD>'; } else { result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation">'+year+'</SPAN></TD>'; } result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year+1)+');">></A></TD>'; } else { result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');"><<</A></TD>\n'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="100"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'</SPAN></TD>\n'; result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">>></A></TD>\n'; } } result += '</TR></TABLE>\n'; result += '<TABLE WIDTH=120 BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1 ALIGN=CENTER>\n'; result += '<TR>\n'; for (var j=0; j<7; j++) { result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader" WIDTH="14%"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader">'+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'</TD>\n'; } result += '</TR>\n'; for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) { result += '<TR>\n'; for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) { var disabled=false; if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { var ds=""+display_year+LZ(display_month)+LZ(display_date); eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")"); } var dateClass = ""; if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) { dateClass = "cpCurrentDate"; } else if (display_month == month) { dateClass = "cpCurrentMonthDate"; } else { dateClass = "cpOtherMonthDate"; } if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) { result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'Disabled">'+display_date+'</SPAN></TD>\n'; } else { var selected_date = display_date; var selected_month = display_month; var selected_year = display_year; if (this.displayType=="week-end") { var d = new Date(selected_year,selected_month-1,selected_date,0,0,0,0); d.setDate(d.getDate() + (7-col)); selected_year = d.getYear(); if (selected_year < 1000) { selected_year += 1900; } selected_month = d.getMonth()+1; selected_date = d.getDate(); } result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><A HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'('+selected_year+','+selected_month+','+selected_date+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'">'+display_date+'</A></TD>\n'; } display_date++; if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) { display_date=1; display_month++; } if (display_month > 12) { display_month=1; display_year++; } } result += '</TR>'; } var current_weekday = now.getDay() - this.weekStartDay; if (current_weekday < 0) { current_weekday += 7; } result += '<TR>\n'; result += ' <TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText">\n'; if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { var ds=""+now.getFullYear()+LZ(now.getMonth()+1)+LZ(now.getDate()); eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")"); } if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) { result += ' <SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayTextDisabled">'+this.todayText+'</SPAN>\n'; } else { result += ' <A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'(\''+now.getFullYear()+'\',\''+(now.getMonth()+1)+'\',\''+now.getDate()+'\');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');">'+this.todayText+'</A>\n'; } result += ' <BR>\n'; result += ' </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n'; } // Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR // ------------------------------------ if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") { if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; 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for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { result += '<TR>'; for (var j=0; j<3; j++) { var monthindex = ((i*3)+j); result += '<TD WIDTH=33% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnMonthFunction+'('+year+','+(monthindex+1)+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+this.monthAbbreviations[monthindex]+'</A></TD>'; } result += '</TR>'; } result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n'; } // Code for QUARTER display // ------------------------ if (this.displayType=="quarter") { result += '<BR><TABLE WIDTH=120 BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER>\n'; for (var i=0; i<2; i++) { result += '<TR>'; for (var j=0; j<2; j++) { var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1); result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><BR><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnQuarterFunction+'('+year+','+quarter+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">Q'+quarter+'</A><BR><BR></TD>'; } result += '</TR>'; } result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n'; } // Code for YEAR display // --------------------- if (this.displayType=="year") { var yearColumnSize = 4; result += "<TABLE WIDTH=144 BORDER=0 BORDERWIDTH=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0>"; result += '<TR>\n'; result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-(yearColumnSize*2))+');"><<</A></TD>\n'; result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+(yearColumnSize*2))+');">>></A></TD>\n'; result += '</TR></TABLE>\n'; result += '<TABLE WIDTH=120 BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER>\n'; for (var i=0; i<yearColumnSize; i++) { for (var j=0; j<2; j++) { var currentyear = year+(j*yearColumnSize)+i; result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnYearFunction+'('+currentyear+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+currentyear+'</A></TD>'; } result += '</TR>'; } result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n'; } // Common if (this.type == "WINDOW") { result += "</BODY></HTML>\n"; } return result; }